Italianize Yourself

Full immersion on all that's Italian.

Fun Facts. Italian Culture. Language Insights.


Imagine yourself walking through the streets of a fairy-tale-like little village.

You feel a special calmness and breathe in a veil of mystery that permeates the village even when you observe it from afar…

In this article, we will take you to such a place.

Here you can join a story that starts many hundreds of years before Christ. We are going back to when the Greeks colonized Calabria.

We take you on an exciting journey to an abandoned Città Fantasma.

We will take a closer look at why Pentedattilo became such an important and strategic economic center, via the rule of the Byzantines and Normans in the 12th century and well into the future. 

Pentedattilo is an old village in the province of Reggio Calabria - almost like a nativity scene carved into the rock.

In Greek, the name means "five fingers" - pente (πέντε) and daktilo (δάκτυλο) refer to the village's characteristic shape resembling a hand with five...

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