Italianize Yourself

Full immersion on all that's Italian.

Fun Facts. Italian Culture. Language Insights.

Reading books in Italian - perfect for self-study!

Use this book to level up your reading! Here below find the full list of books available for the different Italian language levels. Some also have the AUDIO CD so you can listen to the stories as you read them! This is perfect for Italian self-study students!

Try my courses:

I have not been paid to advertise this book. This is my personal suggestion. If you wish to purchase the book on Amazon the links above are linked to my affiliation account... no discounts are given but if you buy it with the links I will (one day) get some money too! :) Grazie.

This is the book that I mention in my video: B1 - B2 (intermediate): Undici Racconti


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Italian Grammar Book Review - Perfect for self-study!

Here is a great Italian Grammar book for you!

Watch the quick review and if you are interested go grab your copy! This book is called "Via della Grammatica by Edilingua"

Here below please find my Amazon affiliation links! No discounts... but at least you can support me! :)

Use this book and my FREE LESSONS on YouTube to level up your Italian!

Remember that if you need to ask me something or if you have a suggestion for a video you can reach out at [email protected]


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