Are you Ready to Learn Italian Online with a Mother Tongue Coach Who Lives and Teaches from Italy?

I'm Ready!

Why Learn a New Language?


Learning makes you grow, growing makes you curious, curiosity turns into creativity and this makes you simply unique and fabulous!

Gift yourself!


A new language breaks barriers and allows you to meet new people! Join us and you will be welcomed in an online Italian community. 

The world is waiting for you!


Take your language everywhere... travel and pass it on to your family and friends! Life is too short not to share and help others grow.

Teaching is learning!

Start with a Free Course... see how you like it!

Learn the do's and don'ts of Italy and Italians.

Pick-up new vocabulary, dialogues and useful sentences that you can use in everyday situations!

Plus... you will get to know me and my teaching style! 

I want to know more!

Italian is challenging and fun!

Learning Italian is not something that happens overnight... no shortcuts or miracle courses have ever been created to have you speak in no time! Sorry... but I must say that learning a new language is challenging and fun once you find the perfect language teacher and course!

Learning a second language makes you challenge yourself and drives you away from all the things that you already know of your own mother tongue language. I like to think of this process as a step by step "brain improvement"... you are already able to speak and write (in your own language) and now you are adding extra details so as to become more interesting, more aware and more open to new cultures and new experiences! At your own pace you will be able to gradually build up vocabulary and useful sentences that you will be able to use in any situation!

With me by your side you will use practical tools that will take your language skills to a new level!

Let me be your Language Motivator!

Get to know me!

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