Learn to use Italian words 'anche, anch'io, anche a me' and 'neanche, neanch'io, neanche a me'

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It is used to show that two things are the same. You will use it when two sentences express the same concept. So the two sentences agree with each other. The sentences are affirmative sentences. It translates to me too or same here, so am I. So you will reply saying that you agree and are probably in the same situation.  

For example: 

  • "Io oggi vado in palestra.
  • "Anch’io!"

In this example you have two affirmative sentences. 

It’s a dialogue between two people.

The first person says Today I’m going to the gym and the second one replies with me too. Meaning I too will go to the gym today. The two sentences agree they are basically saying the same thing, so both people are going to the gym today.

Let’s look at a second example.

  • "Ho sete! "(I’m thirsty)
  • "Anch’io" (So am I)

Once again as you can see the two affirmative sentences agreeing with each other. The two people talking are both thirsty.

Anche can also mean too or also. And you will use it to add things to the conversation.

For example:

  • Ho fame e anche sete.

You are saying in the same sentence that you are hungry and thirsty. 

So the ANCHE is to add on something extra!

"Ho mangiato la pizza e anche il tiramisù". (I ate pizza and also tiramisù)

As you can see all these sentences are positive sentences.

You might have also learned or read the version ANCHE A ME.

Now, this can be tricky because it has a similar meaning to anch’io but it cannot be used interchangeably.

The trick here is to focus on the little letter A. 

Anche a me will be used only with verb that introduce an indirect object. 

Verbs like : piacere / mancare / servire (usually impersonal verbs)

For example:

  • Ti piace questa giacca? Do you like this jacket?
  • Sì! E a te (piace)? - Yes, and you?

Anche a me (piace questa giacca)

  • Ti piace la coca cola? Do you like coca cola?
  • Sì, e a te? Yes, and you?
  • Anche a me!

Please note that the preposition A is hidden in the contracted indirect pronoun.

  • mi : a me
  • ti : a te

Basically you are extrapolating the hidden A in the mi and making it explicit with the anche A me. This happens with the impersonal verbs. With all the other verbs you will use Anch’io.

  • Prendo una coca cola - anch’io
  • vado a scuola - anch’io
  • compro il biglietto del bus - anch’io

Now let’s look at NEANCHE.

Neanche is used in a similar way to anche but you will need to consider that you will use two negative seances. So the sentence that will agree with each other are negative sentences.

For example 

  • Se piove non voglio uscire stasera!
  • Neanch’io!

In this case the two sentences are negative… you know this because you have NON the negative particle of the sentence.


Both sentences agree to the same thing. If it rains I don’t want to go out tonight. Neither do I, me neither!


Non mi piace il cibo piccante.

Neanche a me!


Same explanation here! 

The two sentences are negative and they agree with each other. 

One person says… I don’t like spicy food and the other person agrees… neither do I!


As you see also here you have neanche a me and neanch’io.

Just like anch’io and anche a me, neanch’io and neanche a me can’t be interchanged.


Neanche a me is used going to be used with verbs that use an indirect object.

  • Non mi piace la coca cola – I don’t like coca cola 
  • Neanche a me – me neither
  • Ti serve l’ombrello? – do you need the ombrella?
  • No. E a te? – no, do you?
  • Neanche a me – me neither


Neanch’io will be used with all other types of verbs. is used for other verbs. 

  • Oggi non vado in palestra. – I’m not going to the gym today
  • Neanch’io – me neither 
  • Non bevo birra – I don’t drink beer
  • Neanch’io – me neither 

TIP to learn when to use“anche a me” or “neanche a me” is to write sentence and start remembering the verbs that will trigger their use: 

Start with the most common ones… and built it from them!. interessare – to be interested 

  • sembrare, parare – to seem
  • capitare, accadere – to happen 
  • servire, bastare - to need
  • dare fastidio – to bother
  • importare – to care 

Now, what is the difference between neanche, nemmeno and neppure.

I have wonderful news for you… they have the same meaning so you can use them interchangeably inside a negative sentence.

You can say (I too will not go to the meeting tomorrow)

  • Non andrò nemmeno io domani alla riunione.
  • Non andrò neppure io domani alla riunione.
  • Non andrò neanche io domani alla riunione.

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