Italian Spelling Bee Challenge

In this video you will not only work on vocabulary but you will enhance your listening and writing skills too! How? With a fun little spelling bee challenge!

Listen to all the different words and try to write them down as you hear them. At the end of the video... and at the bottom of this blog post you will find the words and the translations in English. DO NOT LOOK AHEAD! Watch the video and let me know in the comments how many you got right!

If you need help with grammar I suggest that you check out and subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch my videos! If you combine my grammar videos to this book "La Via della Grammatica" you basically have a full Italian lesson! I suggest you check it out and buy it if you want to practice Italian grammar!

I have not been paid to advertise this book. This is my personal suggestion. If you wish to purchase the book on Amazon the links above are linked to my affiliation account... no discounts are given but if you buy it with the links I will (one day) get some money too! :) Grazie.

Here are the words that you will hear in the YouTube video:

  1. Ghianda (acorn)
  2. Caffè macchiato (coffee with milk)
  3. Acqua frizzante (sparkling water)
  4. Prosciutto (ham)
  5. Ascensore (lift)
  6. Aspirapolvere (vacuum cleaner)
  7. Ristagnare (stagnate)
  8. Acchiappare (to catch)
  9. Standardizzare (to standardize)
  10. Internazionalizzazione (internationalize)



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