Italian Impersonal Form

If you're struggling with learning the Italian impersonal form, then this video is for you! We'll be covering the basics of the Italian impersonal form and how to use it in your everyday Italian conversations. After watching this video, you'll be equipped with the knowledge you need to start speaking Italian like a native!

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When are you going to use it?

To generalize and talk in a NON-specific way.

"In Italia si va in vacanza ad agosto"

In this case I'm generalizing that all Italians go on holiday in the month of August.

"Mario va in vacanza ad agosto"

In this case I'm talking specifically about MARIO, so I'm not generalizing and I will use the present tense without the SI particle.


How to form the impersonal form?

You need 2 elements:

  • SI
  • Third person singular (present tense)

"A Natale si mangia troppo"

You will use the SI particle + the verb MANGIA

Mangiare is at the present tense and at the third person singular:

  • Io mangio (first person)
  • Tu mangi (second person)
  • Lui / Lei mangia

With adjectives

When you are using adjectives with the impersonal form always use masculine plural adjectives to generalize.

"Se si dorme male si è nervosi"

  • nervosi - masculine plural

"Se si è timidi è difficile fare amicizia"

  • timidi - masculine plural

When you have compound verbs

Always use the auxiliary ESSERE! 

Abbiamo dormito poco 


Si dorme poco


Si è dormito poco

When you are using reflexive verbs:

In this case make sure to change the first si to ci

Take the verb ALZARSI

  • io mi alzo 
  • tu ti alzi
  • lui / lei si alza

If we need to use the third person singular to create the impersonal form we would have


this just doesn't sound good... so change the first SI to CI



SI PASSIVANTE - Bonus info

"Da qui si vedono i bambini giocare"

In this sentence you are using particle SI but you are using it to generalize that anybody can see children playing from that location.

In this case you are using a plural noun and you are also matching the verb!

si vedono -- bambini


Make sure to watch the video to pick up more information on this lesson!


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