How to use the Italian word ANZI

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What does “Anzi” mean? 

Anzi is a challenge to translate into English and since it’s a very common Italian word it can be difficult for students to understand it and use it correctly!

In this lesson I will teach you the most common translations and give you extra information on how to use ANZI. As always practice using ANZI by writing a sentences in the comments of the YouTube video! I will help you with your Italian by checking it and correcting it if necessary!

Most often you will use it as a conjunction to unite two sentences. It can have different translations. I will show you the most common ones so that you can immediately use them in your next Italian conversation!

Here are some common ways to translate and use this word. 

  • in fact, 
  • on the contrary,
  • better ,
  • actually,
  • rather . 

How are you going to use ANZI? 

You will use Anzi to modify or emphasize something that has already been said in a previous sentence. As with many other Italian words context and intonation can change its meaning a little bit!. 

I would say that out of all the translations that I just mentioned Anzi is used more often with the meaning of “on the contrary, in fact” so basically when you are denying or objecting to a statement previously said.

For example:

  • Non è cattiva, anzi! (She isn’t mean, quite the contrary!)
  • Paolo non è stupido! Anzi è molto intelligente! (Paolo isn’t stupid, on the contrary he is very smart)
  • Non fa freddo, anzi ci sono più di 30 gradi! (It’s not cold, in fact there are more than 30°C degrees)

Anzi is also used to modify something that we have just said maybe because we need to be more specific or more clear about something. 

It would say that in this case it translates with the English words, actually, better, rather… 

  • Ci vediamo alle 18… hmmm anzi alle 18.05! (Let’s meet at 6, hmm better at 6.05)
  • Ho bisogno di un favore… anzi due! (I need a favor… two actually!)
  • Ti porto una fetta di torta? Anzi te ne porto due! (Can I get you a slice of cake? Better, I’ll get you two slices!)
  • Prendo una pizza… anzi… prendo un panino! (I would like a pizza, no I would rather have a sandwich). 

Anzi can also be used to give extra emphasis or to intensify something, previously mentioned:

  • Sei stata brava… anzi… bravissima (You were good, actually very good)
  • Sono arrabbiata, anzi incavolata nera! (I’m upset, actually really upset)
  • Verrò presto, anzi, prestissimo! (I’ll be there soon, real soon)

But anzi can also be used almost alone… as an expression that is super colloquial and can translate to “not at all”. 

  • Mi scusi, do fastidio se mi siedo qui? No, anzi! (Do you you mind if I sit here? Not at all!)
  • Ciao, ti disturbo? Non disturbi! no, Anzi! (Hi, am I disturbing you?not at all!) 
  • Ti dispiace farci una foto? No, anzi!  (Do you mind taking a picture of us? Not at all!) 

In some cases you have probably notices that I have added the extra word NO. 

You can add NO when the first sentences is a positive sentence…

For example:

  • Vorrei una birra, anzi, no una coca-cola!

The first sentence is a positive sentence and the following one has a NO with anzi.

If the first sentence is negative I can use SI with anzi:

  • Non mi va la pizza stasera… hmmm… anzi si, mi va la mangio! 

Extra translations of expressions with anzi that you can hear often!

Anzi can be use as a preposition when you use it with a couple of words…

  • anzitempo - before time
    • Quest’anno l’estate è arrivata anzitempo. (This year summer arrived early (before time))
  • anzitutto / innanzitutto - first of all

These last two can be used to begin a speech and to state the first important thing that you want to say.

  • Innanzitutto, vi ringrazio per aver guardato il mio video!
  • Anzitutto compriamo gli ingredienti, poi facciamo i biscotti!

Another expression that has the word anzi is “poc’anzi” this is a bit formal and it literally means just before.

  • L’ho visto poc’anzi in corridoio - I just saw him in the hallway 
  • Take note that I would probably not use it in my daily language, it’s very formal I would say… L’ho visto prima in corridoio 

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