How to Learn Italian... without loosing your mind!

Learning a language can be a difficult and stressful task. This quick guide has been created to help you find a healthy language journey style that will allow for you to build a habit that works for you and that will help you to level up your Italian.

Here are the key points to keep in mind... you can download this guide and the weekly planner by clicking on this link! 

1. Learning a language takes time and commitment. 

Learning Italian does not happen overnight. Do not be fooled by the "easy-full immersion courses" that tell you that you will reach fluency in a couple of months. Consider that as a child it probably took you at least 2 years to start saying your first words in your mother tongue language! Do not stress yourself thinking that learning Italian can be quick or easy.


2. Immerse yourself in the language.

The more you listen or read Italian the more you are going to pick-up the language in a soft stress-free way.

       Some suggestions on how to immerse yourself could be:

  • Listen to the Italian news on the real Italian news channels like - Rai News
  • Read the Italian news on the official Italian newspapers like Corriere della Sera or Repubblica or Ansa
  • Listen to a podcast on something that you like... there are lots of free materials on the web that can help you... if you can't find anything write a comment or email me and I will help you find something!
    • Culture
    • Food / Cooking
    • Hiking
    • Knitting 

The key here is that whatever you do it has to be fun and enjoyable. If you read about something that you are passionate about it will be easier for you to commit to reading or listening!


3. Make it quick and easy to do.

You don't necessarily need to work for hours on end. Find a task and weave it into your schedule. You can start with a word a day or a minute of reading a day. Make it quick and easy to do.


4. Commitment is the key to building lasting habits.

Write down what you want to do and what you want to accomplish. Focus on the process rather than the goal.

For example: I want to be able to speak Italian

How will I fit learning Italian in my schedule?

  • I will start learning one word a day.
  • I will write one sentence in Italian each day.
  • I will listen to an Italian song and try to understand the meaning.
  • I will read one article a day in Italian.
  • I will listen to a podcast.

Choose one thing that you know you can do and that is enjoyable for you.

Use this formula: 

I will [the activity that you decide to do] 

Then decide when you are going to do it.

"Everyday before breakfast I will write a sentence in Italian".

Your formula will be: 

[When] I will [the activity that you decide to do]

Once this becomes something easy and natural stack on a new activity. Add on a new sentence or word or add a new minute of listening or reading.


5. Keep track of your activities and use the weekly planner to visualize your journey.

Learning a language is a beautiful journey, don't overwhelm yourself with too many things at once! Take it easy... take your time and you will slowly speak Italian.

If you need suggestions on how to improve your journey feel free to contact me by writing a comment under the YouTube video or by email at [email protected]


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