10 Basic Italian Verbs that you Should Know and Use

10 Italian verbs all beginners must know!

So you have started studying Italian and you need to press on the gas to speed things up a bit? Well maybe you can start by focusing on these beginner level verbs. Start from these and build easy sentences that can lead to your very fist Italian conversation! Some are regular, some irregular… so this video is a wonderful starting point and practice. 

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Why do I suggest you learn this? Well because most likely you will need it to introduce yourself. This can be your firs reflexive verb. Keep it as a starting point when you will learn reflexive verbs. 

This verb translates to the english verb to be called/ named.

Let’s conjugated it and let’s use it in a sentence. You can write your own sentence in the comment or answer the question that I will ask you by using the verb correctly.

"io mi chiamo Giulia, tu come ti chiami?"


Abitare (to live) is super useful if you are introducing yourself to another person.

VIVERE is a verb very similar to Abitare. It also translates to the verb to live. Sometimes these two verbs are interchangeable but you can divided them by using VIVERE to talk about all the things that happen to a person or being from birth to death. Whilst ABITARE is used to state where you are physically in a place, or a house.

  • "io abito a Milano, tu? dove abiti?"
  • "io abito a Milano e vivo in un piccolo appartamento."

4. PARLARE (to speak / to talk)

  • "io parlo inglese, italiano, francese e spagnolo… e tu? 
  • Quali lingue parli?"


AN Important verb to learn is PIACERE. Not only does this verb mean to like and so you can use it to talk about your preferences but you can also use it as an example of an impersonal verb.

Be careful here because you will need to remember a quick but important rule:

The formula is:

  • pronoun + piace + singular noun / infinitive verb
  • pronoun + piacciono + plural noun


  • "mi piace la pizza" (piace + singular noun)
  • "mi piace mangiare la pizza (piace + infinitive verb)
  • "mi piacciono le scarpe da tennis" (piacciono + plural noun)


This verb means to study.. which is what you are doing now with me!

  • "Io studio arabo all’università. Tu cosa studi?"


This is a super irregular verb and extremely common! it translates to make / do. In English you have two verbs that translate to fare.

  • "Io non faccio mai ginnastica? Tu che sport fai?"


Then we have a beautiful verb CHIEDERE to ask.

  • "Mi sono persa… chiedo indicazioni alla signora del bar!"


This verb is another one that all beginners must learn! It’s really irregular so learn it now and remember to conjugate it in its irregular form with all the other verb tenses!

  • "Mi dai una mano a pulire casa?"


this verb means to go, it’s irregular the conjugation is as follows:

  • "Io vado a mangiare dalla nonna tutte le domeniche!"

Practice with these by creating your own little sentences. They don’t need to be super complicated… but make these verbs yours and you are on the right path to learning Italian!

ok… vado via… ciao!


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